- Copy of valid passport. 有效护照复印件
- Copy of valid temporary residence permit (if the applicant resides in Cyprus) 有效的临时居留许可复印件(如果申请人居住在塞浦路斯)
- Curriculum Vitae (including academic qualifications). 简历 (包括学历)
- Statements of deposits in a Cypriot Bank account, of a minimum capital of €30.000 (original). 至少3万欧元的塞浦路斯银行存款证明(原件)
- Declaration of a secured annual income of a capital of €30.000 at least, from sources other than employment in Cyprus (original documents and affidavit). The necessary annual income is increased by €5.000 for each dependent person. 有保障的年收入不少于3万欧元的声明(原件及宣誓书),该年收入须来源于非在塞浦路斯就业。每增加一位抚养人,年收入需增加5000欧元。
- Title of ownership or contract of sale of a built property in Cyprus of a minimum market value of €300.000 (original or true copy). If the title of ownership has not been obtained yet, the applicant must submit the contract of sale duly stamped by the Stamps Commissioner and the Department of Lands & Surveys and proof of payment for at least €200,000. 在塞浦路斯市场价不低于30万欧元房产的房产证或购房合同(原件或真实的复印件)。如尚未取得产权证,申请人必须提交由印花税委员会及土地及测量局盖章的购房合同,并提交已经支付至少20万欧元的付款证明。
- Official Statement by the applicant that he/she does not intent to work or be engaged in any form of business in Cyprus. 申请人不会在塞浦路斯直接或间接地受聘于任何人的正式声明
- Health Insurance Policy. 健康保险单
- Criminal Record Certificate (if the applicant resides abroad, the certificate must be issued from his country of origin, and submitted with an official and certified translation into Greek). 无刑事犯罪记录证明(如果申请人居住在国外,该证明必须由他本国出具,并且要提交一份正式且经公证的希腊语的翻译件)
- Marriage Certificate (official and certified translation) (if applicable). 结婚证(官方的且经公证翻译)(如果有)
- Children's Birth Certificates (official and certified translation) (if applicable). 小孩的出生证(官方的且经公证翻译)(如果有)
- Other documents which are submitted with the application. 与申请一起提交的其他文件
购房移民: http://www.mfa.gov.cy/mfa/Embassies/Embassy_Beijing.nsf/All/4681907D8B35AB0948257B3C007289C6?OpenDocument;
塞浦路斯国籍取得: http://www.mfa.gov.cy/mfa/Embassies/Embassy_Beijing.nsf/All/7F006D26C987794E8825786F008260F9?OpenDocument
通过移民获得塞浦路斯共和国国籍 曾在塞浦路斯共和国合法居住过、具有民事行为能力,并符合以下条件的十八周岁以上申请者可递交M.127申请表格: 1.连续居住在塞浦路斯共和国直至申请递交日期的前一年; 2.在申请递交前的八年,累计居住时间达到五年以上,或者 3.累计居住时间达到7年的运动员,体育技术员,教练,国际公司的雇员,或者为塞浦路斯共和国国籍雇主工作的雇员等。
如需申请移民,需要提供出生证明(经公证)、护照、由警方提供的无犯罪记录证明、2张证件照,并且连续两天在塞浦路斯共和国的报纸上刊登其移民申请意向的声明。 费用: 341.72欧元 相关申请表格可在尼科西亚的内政部获取,申请表也需要递交至该处。